
Gondola 5

Gondola 5

Gondola 5 features an original sequence, “Little Just Ones,” from Morgan Lucas Schuldt.

Limited edition of 200 hand-sewn, custom-stamped copies.

$5 includes shipping.


Gondola 3

Gondola 3
Gondola 3 features original sonnets from Christopher Rizzo.

Limited edition of 200 hand-sewn, custom-stamped copies.

$5 includes shipping.


War Time

Spirit Name
War Time
If Concord
Since Earth

Introducing Gondola Chapbook No. 5. War Time contains “Spirit Name,” the title poem, “If Concord,” and “Since Earth.”

Turn Loud

Thou Music
Turn Loud
Now Time
Of Song

Introducing Gondola Chapbook No. 4. Turn Loud contains “Thou Music,” the title poem, “Now Time,” and “Of Song.”