
Gondola 5

Gondola 5

Gondola 5 features an original sequence, “Little Just Ones,” from Morgan Lucas Schuldt.

Limited edition of 200 hand-sewn, custom-stamped copies.

$5 includes shipping.


Gondola 3

Gondola 3
Gondola 3 features original sonnets from Christopher Rizzo.

Limited edition of 200 hand-sewn, custom-stamped copies.

$5 includes shipping.


War Time

Spirit Name
War Time
If Concord
Since Earth

Introducing Gondola Chapbook No. 5. War Time contains “Spirit Name,” the title poem, “If Concord,” and “Since Earth.”

Turn Loud

Thou Music
Turn Loud
Now Time
Of Song

Introducing Gondola Chapbook No. 4. Turn Loud contains “Thou Music,” the title poem, “Now Time,” and “Of Song.”


Gondola 2

Gondola 2
Gondola 2 features original poems from Ray DeJesús, Buck Downs, Matt Hart, Curtis Jensen, Catherine Meng, and Sandra Simonds.

Limited edition of 200 hand-sewn, custom-stamped copies.

$5 includes shipping.

Gondola 1

Gondola 1
Gondola 1 features poems from Paul Violi’s first book, In Baltic Circles, republished by H_NGM_N Books.

Limited edition of 200 hand-sewn, custom-stamped copies.

$5 includes shipping.




Introducing Gondola Chapbook No. 3. Dandelion is a sequence of four untitled sonnets.


Midwest Poetry Tour 2011: Indianapolis

Sunday, May 15, 6:00 PM

Jill Christman, Peter Davis, Michael Schiavo, Kyle Winkler

This reading is a free fundraiser for SecondStoryIndy

Big Car Gallery
1043 Virginia Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46203


Midwest Poetry Tour 2011: Kalamazoo

Saturday, May 14, 7:00 PM

Peter Davis & Michael Schiavo

Western Michigan University
Brown Hall
Room 3025
Kalamazoo, MI 49908


Midwest Poetry Tour 2011: Milwaukee

Friday, May 13, 7:00 PM

Peter Davis, Kari Freitag, Michael Schiavo

Hosted by Mike Hauser
441 East Lincoln Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53207


Midwest Poetry Tour 2011: Louisville

Wednesday, May 11, 7:00 PM

Peter Davis, Matt Hart, Michael Schiavo

Music from Kirby Gann

The Derby Recovery Act of 2011 Reading
Quills Coffee
930 Baxter Avenue
Louisville, KY 40204


275 Ocean Avenue

Fragment Fragment
Orange Walls
The Workers
Spring Revel

Introducing Gondola Chapbook No. 2. 275 Ocean Avenue contains “Fragment Fragment” (for Paul Violi), “Orange Walls,” “The Workers,” and “Spring Revel.”